Enjoy the Benefits of Social Media Marketing


In an increasingly digital world, having a reliable strategy for SEO or social media marketing is quickly becoming essential for a brand’s survival. Brands, most especially, have to utilize social media marketing to connect to their audience through their content. After all, almost everyone is on social media today.

An essential part of your social media strategy is choosing the right platform to be in. With the abundance of social platforms to choose from, it can be tempting to create an account on every platform. That, however, isn’t necessarily the best way to go forward.

To maximise your social media marketing, your social media marketing agency should be able to guide you towards the best platforms to go to. Depending on your brand’s health, target audience, and business goals, your agency should be able to point you towards a strategy that can help you reach those goals.

Know more about which platforms to use for your goals and the benefits of social media marketing with this article.

The Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Here are some benefits of utilizing social media marketing:

  • Increased inbound traffic: Social media marketing can help drive traffic to your website. With the right strategy, your social media profiles can drive in visits to your website.
  • Improved search rankings: While social media doesn’t affect your SEO rankings directly, it influences your rankings because social media profiles do appear in SERPs. Besides that, the visits from your social media can also help with your SEO rankings.
  • Higher user engagement: A good social media marketing strategy engages your audience. Whether you’re a local business or a big corporation, the right social media marketing str
  • Higher conversion rates: With the right strategy, your social media can help increase your sales and conversion because of how they engage with their users.
  • Increased brand loyalty: Being able to increase your interactions with your audience helps you establish a connection with them. This connection allows you to be at the forefront of their minds when making a decision.
  • Brand authority: With the increased interactions and visibility on social media, you create a better image for your business online. The right strategy helps build your authority amongst your followers.
  • Valuable user insights: With social media marketing, you get to observe data that tells you what kind of content your audience finds valuable and engaging.

Popular Social Media Posts and Platforms

Long gone are the days when using social media only meant a Facebook post or an update on Twitter. Today, there’s a multitude of ways to utilize social media to post your content and ideas. With a ton of different platforms and content types to choose from, the right creative and strategic mind can elevate your social media marketing strategy.
a group of young people scrolling through social media
Here’s a guide on the different social media platforms you can use for your brand’s posts:

Video-based social media platform content ideas

 When creating content, it should always be one of your goals to engage your audience. There are different ways to stimulate engagement among your followers but providing valuable content for them is always a reliable strategy. Content can vary in form, but one of the most popular ways to engage your audience is through video content.

The pandemic saw a rise in video content, especially with the advent of Tiktok and social media stories. Posting in video format is a great way to make your brand stand out and more lively online. Whether you’re posting longform or bite-sized content, videos should entertain or inform your viewers.

If you’re going to be posting a lot of videos, it would make sense for you to explore the following platforms:

  • Tiktok
  • Youtube
  • Instagram Stories
  • Facebook Stories
  • Facebook Watch

Aside from these platforms, you can also utilize Facebook or Instagram live if you’re trying to bank on videos.

Disappearing Content or Social Media Stories

Sometimes, the content you post doesn’t need to stay on your profile. If you’re creating content for promos and seasonal events, then it’s better to use the disappearing content format. Social media posts in this format usually remain visible for your followers for 24 hours. After which, the content disappears.

Disappearing social media content and posts are perfect when you’re posting for limited edition items, timed promos, live events, and even announcements. A notable thing about disappearing posts is that it’s also an easy but effective way to make your content more relatable to your audience. Instagram Stories, for instance, has an array of editing tools that not only makes your posts more aesthetically pleasing but user-interactive. For disappearing social media content, a good idea is to engage your followers by adding putting in some of these features:

  • Polls
  • Teasers and countdowns
  • Stickers
  • Trending GIFs

If you’re going to be posting disappearing social media content, then you should be checking out the following social media platforms:

  • Instagram Stories
  • Snapchat
  • Facebook Stories
  • LinkedIn Stories

Social Audio Platforms

Social media posts and ideas aren’t limited to visuals nowadays. With podcasts and music streaming apps gaining popularity, your social media marketing strategy might want to take advantage of social audio platforms when looking for new ways to post content.
Man listening on his headphone
One of the reasons why social audio platforms are quite popular is because more people want to join in on conversations, especially with the advent of the pandemic. A great feature of social audio platforms is that it allows people to listen to and join in on live conversations. With social audio platforms, your brand can also start conversations with your followers.

Here are some the ways audio content can help your social media marketing:

  • Hosting industry panels
  • Letting people know huge and relevant announcements
  • Hosting interactive sessions for your audience
  • Record interviews and re-posting them as podcasts

If you’re trying out social media content ideas for an audio platform, then you should consider the following social media platforms:

  • Spotify
  • Twitter Spaces
  • Clubhouse
  • Youtube

If you want to engage your audience in lively conversations and raise new or relevant topics, then trying out social audio platforms is a great way to organically make your brand more relatable.
Live Streams

Live streaming has become a huge hit on social media. This could be because people are trying to find something that peaks their interest or stimulates relationships with how the video is broadcasted to a live audience. With nothing to do during a lockdown, it is not really surprising that most social media users will turn their attention to streams which showcase their interests.

Live streaming can be used for both personal and professional subject matters. Social media posts and ideas on Twitch, for example, often feature video games. On the other hand, live streams on Facebook can feature more users selling products or even informational webinars. There’s really no limit to what you can broadcast on a livestream, but make sure that it’s going to be valuable to your followers.

One good thing about live streams is that it allows users to directly engage with you during the stream with comments and reactions. When broadcasting, remember to keep your feed interactive and not like a lecture session to keep your followers hooked and interested.

You can use Twitch, Facebook Live, and Instagram Live are good social media platforms if you want to try out live streaming.

Business Social Media Profiles

Social media posts and content don’t have to be limited to the personal. Gone are the days when Facebook and Twitter were meant for personal thoughts. Today, social media can be a useful tool for your brand to raise awareness, connect to industry contacts, and engage with potential clients.

Facebook pages are a good way to market your brand, but aside from Facebook, there are other ways to use social media professionally too. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, for instance, are used by job hunters and Human Resources teams to look for employment opportunities. Additionally LinkedIn can be a great way to build B2B relationships.

Aside from LinkedIn, Twitter can also be used to engage your followers in a professional setting. If you’re using Twitter, utilize industry specific hashtags to build up and reach your community engagement.

The Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Blogs

While social media doesn’t really affect your SEO rankings, the right social media strategy from an agency can help you indirectly put your website in a better position in search rankings. This is because with the increase in brand awareness, your brand–and indirectly, your pages or web site–gain authority as well.
Regularly posting content on your blogs is a rule of thumb at this point. After all, you want to continuously churn out great content for your users. However, your content doesn’t just stop on your web site–sharing your content on your social media platforms helps increase traffic to your site as well. So if you find yourself asking the question of whether you should post a specific content type on your blog or social media profile, our usual answer would be to post them on both platforms!

Work With the Right Social Media Marketing Agency

Social media marketing differs for every brand. After all, each brand has different goals and values. What could really help you out, however, is working with the right social media marketing agency.

The right social media agency is understanding of your goals. A good rule of thumb when choosing the right agency is looking at how they receive your business goals. After all, with social media marketing, you always have to be mindful of your business goals. Good social media strategy takes into account the different ways you can achieve these goals. The right marketing agency will be respectful of your goals and will provide you with a strategy that gets you to your goals efficiently. More importantly, the right agency will also help you move forward after you accomplish your goals–after all, there’s nowhere to go but up once you reach your goals.

If you’re looking for a social media marketing agency that can help you with your goals, you can contact us today!

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