Social Media Marketing: Top Facebook Features for Every Business


Facebook is a thriving social media platform for any business looking to boost brand awareness.

With over 2.6 billion monthly active users, it’s currently the most popular social networking platform in the world. You have endless opportunities to spread the good word about your business on the platform—from paid ads to videos and text posts, you can get your messaging across to thousands of people, especially your target audience.

However, Facebook is so much more than just a tool you can use for branding. Thanks to a long string of features such as ad optimisation and audience targeting, it’s a powerful selling tool for businesses in every industry, making it one of the most effective mediums for social media services.

What is the purpose of social media management services?

Social media management services comprise of digital marketing tactics that involve creating and sharing quality and relevant content on social media platforms to achieve your marketing and branding and marketing goals. Social media services typically include activities such as posting text and images, videos, infographics, and other content that will drive audience engagement.

It doesn’t matter whether you run a big national company or a small local shop. When you invest in social media management services, you’re basically investing in an essential piece of your overall business marketing strategy. This is because social networks help you connect with your target audience, boost awareness about your brand, and ultimately increase your leads and sales. Social media is not a passing trend, it’s here to stay.

How to leverage social media services: start with Facebook

Facebook has become an essential tool for expanding a brand’s online presence. Apart from having a standalone website, brands should also have a working Facebook page to get the most of their digital marketing campaign. If you still haven’t tapped into the social network, it is high time to do so.

Not all those who already have Facebook pages, however, are able to make full use of its features. You can reach more users and engage more followers if you know which tools to use. It would be a huge mistake not to integrate these features to your digital marketing campaigns, particularly now that more brands are using the social network as a primary platform for their online marketing efforts.

Take a look at the following Facebook features you should be using by now:

Facebook  Insights

Do you have an idea of how your competition is doing or measuring up against you on Facebook? If you don’t, you should take advantage of the Pages to Watch feature. It basically lets you track your competitors. By comparing your results (engagement, activity, audience growth, etc.) with how the rest of your competitors are doing, you can gain useful insights to fully reap the benefits of investing on social media services.


It’s especially useful if you want to know what’s working for your competitors: What drives the most engagement? What particular type of content is working well for them and how often do they post? Armed with these insights and knowledge, you can tailor your strategy and content accordingly.

Facebook Stories

If you’re familiar with Instagram Stories, then Facebook Stories is the mirror image of that. These are ephemeral photos and video collections you can upload that can only be viewed for the next 24 hours.

Image from

While Facebook Stories had a slow start, it’s been gaining steadfast popularity among consumers in the past year and has grown to over 300 million daily users. Facebook has also decided to implement Facebook story ads. Any business can create one while being able to benefit from the consumer information available through Facebook’s database and the platform’s incredible targeting capabilities. For measuring results, advertisers can expect nothing less than the metrics already offered on Instagram:  views, reach, traffic, brand awareness, conversions, and more.

Custom Audiences

We all know remarketing is incredible. This isn’t exactly groundbreaking news. On average, people who see remarketing ads are 2x as likely to convert and three times 3x more likely to engage. In other words, having this valuable tool as part of your social media management strategy is a no-brainer.

Custom Audiences is Facebook’s version of remarketing. With Custom Audiences, you remarket your ads in front of three groups of people:

  • Website visitors: People who have visited your website or product pages within a certain time period.
  • App users: People who have downloaded or used your app.
  • Contact lists: People who have shared their phone number or email address with your company. For instance, they’ve attended one of your webinars or signed up for your newsletter. You upload this list to Facebook.

As these people already know about your products, services, and business, you can use Custom Audiences to push your hard offers and motivate people to take action. That could mean anything from downloading an eBook, signing up for your newsletter, or booking a consultation.

Highlight Posts

Along with the introduction of the Timeline, Facebook launched the “Highlight Posts” feature to bolster follower engagement. The feature allows the page administrator to emphasise or highlight a post by increasing its size up to the width of the timeline. This makes the posts easy to notice and easier to distinguish from other posts.

Pin Posts

“Pin Posts” come in handy especially when you are hosting an event. The feature allows you to “pin” posts at the top of your timeline for a week. Every time a user visits your page anytime that week, the pinned posts are the first things they see.

Promote Posts

For a small fee, “Promote Posts” increases the audience reach of your posts by up to 75%. This is important, as you can plug a new promotion or campaign without having to rely on individual shares and “likes.”

Cover Photos

Cover photos might seem like just another addition to the visuals on your page, but they are valuable, especially if you want to make an impression. The cover photo is your means of attracting new followers right away. It is also another opportunity to reinforce your branding in a more creative way.

Capture Your Audience with Facebook and Social Media Services

Today, it is almost impossible for any business to succeed and thrive without a presence on Facebook, which is why social media marketing services are crucial for small businesses. It’s simply a low-cost method of creating brand awareness and connecting with customers. Leveraging Facebook’s business features inevitably leads to an increase in traffic, a boost in brand loyalty, an increase in leads/sales, and much more. So take the first step and create a profile so you gain access to all of the features above. The earlier you start, the faster you can grow your brand’s online presence and grow your business.

Facebook has clearly come a long way from being a mere collegiate social network. Now, it is a business tool that can use to take your brand to new heights. If you want to maximise the full potential of your page, contact us now. We provide comprehensive social media marketing and SEO services.

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